63rd - Update Schmupdate
So what have I been up to since my last post?
- House renovations are still driving me mad. MAD. When the entire house had to be painted, I had to sleepover at people's houses because the smell of the paint made me sick. So thank you to those who let me sleepover. You guys are awesome. Haha. Now my room is a minty sort of green (it's cute). Now the only things left to do, for my room, are the floors & the shelves.
- My parents are back from Hong Kong...and this time they're staying here for good. Picked them up at the airport yesterday. And my dog, Ginger, was with them too! Awww I missed her heaps! Poor baby was so frightened about the whole trip. She seems to be settling in quite well though.
- May 18, I went to Gweilos with Joko, Iya, and Carla to watch 6cyclemind play. The night was lotsa fun. Camwhoring, swapping stories, teasing the hell out of each other, foooood! I love my friends. I love seeing my friends. Oh, and I love prayer meetings too. Heeheehee! Let's not get into details about that. ANG PANGET NG BOYFRIEND MO! And the explicit version of Nina's "Someday". Funny!
- Went through a few days of being very, very down. Due to a lot of things. I'm hoping I won't have to feel like that again for quite awhile.
- I have decided to put up with one more semester of school in Laguna. Enrolled a few days ago. Full load this sem. Argh. Good luck to my life.
Here are pictures from May 18:

And even though it's a day late...HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY, KATIEKINS! :)
Anyhoodles, that's all for now. Toodles!
Anyhoodles, that's all for now. Toodles!
awwww. thank you mikikins.
i dont feel 18 :( and i blame friendster for it!
happy pictures. happy happy!
bad kayo talga.
morally corrupting my innocence.
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