60th - Bday Greetings & Spidey
A day late (in MY timezone) but nevertheless...
Sooo yesterday...ran a few errands and then went to Perps to get my letter signed so that I can finally get my clearance. The school director's secretary kept the letter & told me to go back on Friday. Sigh. Fine.
After Perps, I went to SM Sta Rosa to meet up with Sweet. Since she wasn't there yet, and my depression was threatening to swallow me whole (as well as the urge to buy something), I spent way too much on clothes. And this is why missing someone & house renovations are really bad for me - I either eat too much or shop too much. I musn't do any more shopping this month. Budgeting is such a bitch. :(
When Sweet arrived, we ate dinner & then watched Spiderman 3. I don't really have much to say on the movie...except that I haven't seen 1 & 2 but now I will because I am officially in LURVE with James Franco.
Someone's back. I got a text last night while I was in the cinema that made me heaps happy. :)
That is all for now. Toodles!
birfday. so british :P
have you heard brits pronounce milk as miwk? it gets a tad annoying after a while. *rolls eyes*
hahaha! parang hindi brit si katiekins
yeah, i've heard brits pronounce milk like that, and at first it's cute. but yeah, eventually, it gets kinda irritating. the i-want-to-slap-you kind of irritating.
YES! THAT kind of irritating. and to think that WE invented the English language and WE mess it up. How...nice.
carla, i am brit. sometimes :P
OH AND I HAVE PROOF THAT IM BRIT. well apart from the citizenship, my blood and the father.
that bitch who beat me up last year called me white trash. hence, im brit :P
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