59th - My Lovelies

Oh, something kinda surprising but in the cool way happened when we were in Don Henricos...I was looking at the mirror on the wall and saw RJ pass by behind me. RJ's a friend from high school & someone I dated way back and I haven't seen him in ages. I called him over and we had a little chit-chat. It was nice to see him again. :)
Anyhoodles...tomorrow, after I run whatever errands need to be run & I'll have access to my computer (because they might do renovations in my room), I'm going to geek out on Wikipedia and do a whole bunch of reading about really random things. I like to do that from time to time.
Movies I really want to watch right now: Across The Universe, Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix (wait, when is it coming out again?), Spiderman 3, Factory Girl, Trainspotting, Shrek 3, Donnie Darko, and A Clockwork Orange. Oh and the newest Pirates of the Carribean movie. I love movies.
Beddy-bye awaits. Hopefully sleep will come easier tonight than it did last night. I want my heart back, but it's still a thousand miles away.
"I want my heart back, but it's still a thousand miles away."
Dude, that was deeeeep.
I feel for you Mikikins. :(
At least your heart lives in the same country as you. Mine doesn't.
Pakshyet. :P
ang cute naman ng ending ng comment mo. harharhar. pakshyet talaga.
blah with guys and hearts and such. :( you will be in the same country as him soon.:)
SHE'S nothing but a second rate, trying hard COPY CAT!
wala lang. :P
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