12th - Responsibility & Irresponsibility
Pictures from Erika's 1st birthday party:

I wanted to explode today from...stress.
Erika was taken to the hospital earlier. Poor baby. I am praying to whatever higher power there is out there that she will be okay and will be out of the hospital soon. Then I have a friend who is desperately looking for a loan and she came to me. As much as I would like to help, I can't just give all my money (and I don't even have a lot to begin with) to a friend who needs to borrow some. As selfish as it sounds, I want to think about myself too and how much trouble my broke ass would be in. Oh, and let's not forget...it's my fucking birthday this week. And I would very much like to actually have a good time this year on my birthday instead of spending it stuck at home, penniless because a friend of mine had to borrow money due to the fact that she spent all of hers in one week on "fun". You know, I thought she was getting more mature now that she's living (mostly) independantly here but I'm taking that back now. Plus, I've already spent money on Erika's medicine. Family first.
My grades are dropping. Must kick major ass on midterms and finals. Filipino and Math make me nervous. I suck at those two subjects. Seriously.
Wow. I'm in a crappy mood. Someone cheer me up, please.
aww, she's so cute. i love her solo picture. i hope she's okay though, why'd you take her to the hospital?
we'll come up or something for her to earn money or whatever. she hasn't replied to my email yet eh =(
cheer up bebeh, your bday's coming and i shall give you your bday gift when you get here. YOU'RE GOING TO BE LEGAL! no more asking for my ID when you buy cigs. lol. remember that?
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