10th - Cutest Baby Alive

This is Erikah Kym. She is my cousin and god-daughter. And she turns one year told today. Of course, there will be a party and of course I, the cake whore of a god-mother, will eat most of the cake at the party. Anyhows.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABY ERIKAH! Okay, now stop growing. Seriously. Please stay little and cute forever. Please never learn to talk so you don't start talking back. Please don't turn into a pain of a five-year-old that I want to shackle and hang from the ceiling. Actually, I can't wait until you are old enough to take out to gigs and stuff because I just know you will turn into a music-loving, tattooed, stubborn badass quite like one of your godmothers (cough cough) so just skip all the terrible toddler days and go straight to 18! Or 15's fine, seriously. I'll sneak you out. But you're not allowed to do coke until you're 18. Just kidding. You're never gonna be allowed to do coke.
I LOVE THIS BABY. She's already cooler than most of you anyways. I mean, when was the last time you came across a barely 1-year-old baby who likes U2, huh?
On another note...I have to go back to Hong Kong for a few days either sometime this month or early September. It'll be awesome to see my friends there because then we'll all be legal and will no longer have to worry about getting caught for underage drinking.
I've recently come to the conclusion that spending most of your time at home with male relatives makes you start eating like a boy.
COME BACK NOW!! I'm leaving in a couple of weeks =(
don't leave me here in pinas! can i go with you miki? mwahaha! while you're gone i'll go to all callalily gigs mwahaha!! kidding!
i'll stay home and be boring!
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