Thursday, November 23, 2006

41st - Whine

I think I'm going to have to re-install Mozilla Firefox or something. Or pick a fight with SmartBro. Because either the connection is really screwed, or the browser is. Very little pages actually load properly. I can't even put images on this blog. RETARDED. THIS IS FUCKING RETARDED.

And also, the signal in my house sucks.

So, basically, today I am extremely pissed off at technology. If I didn't depend on it so badly (such a sad thing), then I'd give it up foreverrrrrr.

I'm like a short fuse these days. My blood boils at the smallest, most trivial thing. I almost broke my mouse today in total frustration. And I've had a headache all day. I took painkillers and that didn't work. I drank lots of coffee and that didn't work. I drank lots of water and that didn't work. So what the hell.

PLUS! My neck and shoulders are really sore.

Can't wait to get out of the house. Can't wait to get a job so I'm kept so busy I don't even have time to think anymore.


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