Tuesday, January 01, 2008

84th - Hello 2008!

Goodbye 2007, and hello 2008!

I have many, many resolutions for the new year. Keeping a positive state of mind so that I'm a happier person, not being afraid of love, quitting bad habits, working out regularly, etc.

2007 was mostly a bad year for me, although there were many amazing and fun moments throughout the duration of it. I did discover that I'm a tougher cookie than I thought I was, and I am definitely going to learn from the mistakes that I made this year.

I don't know if the beginning of 2008 can be considered an ultimately fresh start, but I guess it can be considered as an opportunity to cleanse ourselves of the grudges and negative bits of 2007. I don't hate him or her anymore; but at the same time I don't want to be friends with them. And I guess it's okay that way.

2008 is going to better. It has to be. It WILL be.

And as for materialism...I bought a Christmas/New Year present for myself: a phone! It's a spiffy piece of technology, I'm quite happy with it. Now I want new hair and a new tattoo, among other things. But let's start with the physical attributes muna. Harharhar!


At January 2, 2008 at 3:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"I did discover that I'm a tougher cookie than I thought I was, and I am definitely going to learn from the mistakes that I made this year." ---> yayness for being the better version of thyself!

At January 3, 2008 at 1:41 AM, Blogger Michaela said...

indeed! hurrah for self-improvement and all that jazz!


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